Muir Omni Graphics is pleased to have their safe working environment acknowledged by the Specialty Graphic Imaging Association.

The SGIA Safety Recognition Award is given to specialty imagers who successfully completed the SGIA Safety Recognition Program during the 2013 calendar year. The program makes it easy for participating companies to show employees, clients and the industry how important safety is in their daily operations.

Muir Omni Graphics was one of many association members to qualify for this award by submitting bi-monthly inspection checklists. The company looks for any hazard that could have a direct impact on employee safety or health.

“The MUIR Omni Graphics Safety Team plays an important role in receipt of this award by promoting safety initiatives and accident prevention programs company-wide,” said Rebecca Zentko, Environmental Health and Safety Director. “Our employees have successfully integrated those safe practices into their work practices and have proven they are dedicated to workplace safety and the future of our company.”

For additional information regarding the SGIA Safety Recognition Program please contact Marcia Kinter, SGIA at 703-385-1335.