From the desk of Andrew Muir

Inspiration for Muir Omni Graphics Name and Logo

Nothing shared with our clients is more relevant than the origin of our name and corporate identity “logo”.  Muir Omni Graphics represents Muir, the family name; Omni means we provide a variety of graphics worldwide, and our logo is symbolized with a stylized “M” sharing a circle with a spherical representation of the Earth.

Muir Omni Graphics name:

John F. Sicks was a creative copywriter and a friend of my father, Don Muir. He graduated from journalism school at the University of Missouri. John enlisted in the Army in the summer of 1941 and served in General George Patton’s 19th Tank Battalion, Ninth Armored Division as a Tank Commander in Europe. He wrote copy for the best of agencies: Earle Ludgin And Co., Clinton E. Frank of Chicago, and the Biddle Company, for example. Along the way, he also taught copywriting at Northwestern University.

In 1970, we needed a new name for the company. We called on our old friend, John Sicks and VOILA…. Muir Omni Graphics was created.

Creative design of our logo:

Robert L. Tobaison (we called him “Toby”), worked the near north side of Chicago as a freelance artist and designer for 16 years. He was a familiar sight as he vended designs to advertising agencies, which were abundant in that area. He is an ex-Marine, attended Columbia College and graduated from The American Academy of Art in 1960.

Dad and I knew Toby well, and shared a lot of time with him. In 1971, we asked Toby to standardize our company’s logo, which was floating around in various forms. He designed it, we loved it, and used it until a rebrand effort was undertaken to strategically identify Muir Omni Graphics.  An alliance with Central States Media was started in 2015.  With their invaluable experience, we “freshened” up our corporate identity and began another journey in our 50+ year history!

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