Any professional will tell you that every month should be safety awareness month, it’s June that has the honor of being the nationally recognized time to remember to always put safety first.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), “National Safety Month focuses on reducing leading causes of injury and death at work, on the road and in our homes and communities.”
Muir Omni Graphics and the safety team spend June to highlight and spread the word about putting safety first in all that we do. While it is a time to focus on safety, we also find the below activities help our team building and getting different departments the chance to work with other employees. It’s a great morale boost for the team!
• Create bulletin boards, newsletters or blog posts to keep everyone educated
• Hold a safety trivia contest with prizes with teams
• Make an activity out of identifying hazards where you work and live
• Throwing a safety lunch ‘n learn
For many of our employees, our primary exposure to best safety practices comes from our required workplace safety training. Our interactive exercises help the Muir Omni Graphics team align training with our organization’s unique hazard exposures.
Watch how Muir Omni Graphics puts our safety practices to use every day!
Charlotte, a member of the Muir Omni Graphics Safety team, is stepping up to create masks for our team to ensure their safety during this time. We have named her new process “Maskufacturing!”
No matter your project, we’ve got the right materials for you. We offer everything from aluminum, to vinyl, to polycarbonate. Unsure which material fits for you?
Safety Team Members: James Robertson, Justin Smithson, Charlotte Thornton, and Jamie Silver
In years past, the Muir Omni Graphics safety team members lead a day of safety activities. In the past, these have included:
“Safety Feud”
A quiz game which pitted teams against each other in safety trivia.
“Spot the Hazard”
A game where employees had to identify unsafe conditions.
Safety at Muir Omni Graphics
A discussion with employees about what is working well and what items could be improved at Muir Omni Graphics.
Fire Extinguisher
Training John Schneider from Getz Fire Equipment demonstrated the proper way to operate a fire extinguisher.
From durable vinyl floor markers to long-lasting window clings MUIR Omni Graphics has the products to help with same quality you already trust for your company decals.
Ensure the health, safety, and wellbeing of yourself and those around you.
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