For many years, Muir Omni Graphics had been certified in ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004. When ISO announced it had updated the standards and would require companies to transition to the new standards by 2018, Muir Omni Graphics immediately jumped on board and began working on a transition.
“Muir Omni Graphics has always had a company-wide focus on excellence and the environment,” Tobbias Day said. “We embraced the new standards from the beginning.”
In fact, Muir Omni Graphics not only successfully transitioned to the new standards…we did so far ahead of schedule – and far ahead of thousands of other ISO-certified companies.
“Transitioning to ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 was a significant accomplishment,” he added. “A lot of companies don’t go the extra step to achieve environmental certification, but at Muir Omni Graphics, we feel that the two standards go hand-in-hand.”
ISO 9001:2015 certification helps organizations like Muir Omni Graphics demonstrate to customers that they make products and services of consistently good quality in a highly efficient manner.
The new version of ISO 14001:2015 updates and extends globally recognized requirements for an Environmental Management System and recognizes Muir Omni Graphics that have adopted environmentally responsible practices in their business processes.
“An ISO certification is much more than a certificate or the ability to ‘check a box’ on a customer requirement,” Day added. “It means that a company is focused on three core ISO values: Make it matter; make it work; make it last.”
A company with ISO certification takes care that its production and service processes run smoothly and constantly improves on the processes already in place. The certifications give customers peace of mind that a company is not only consistently reliable in their production process, but is actively improving to create a better experience for the customer while protecting the environment.
“This was a company-wide initiative that we all take pride in,” Day added. “It underscores our commitment to total quality management and environmental responsibility, and is tangible proof that Muir Omni Graphics’ products and services are high quality, and that we actively monitor our processes to assure that quality remains high, and environmental impacts are properly considered.”
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