Understanding the new standards

ISO 9001:2015 is the latest revision to the world’s most widely applied international standard on quality management systems. The standard helps organizations demonstrate to customers that they can offer products and services of consistently good quality; the standard also acts as a tool to make organizations more efficient at what they do. In the new version, there is an increased importance given to risk analysis and mitigation.

The new version of ISO 14001:2015 updates and extends globally recognized requirements for an Environmental Management System and recognizes companies like Muir Omni Graphics that have adopted environmentally responsible practices in their business processes.

After several months of analyzing, studying and making enhancements to its quality and environmental initiatives, Muir Omni Graphics underwent a rigorous three-day ISO certification audit last fall by NQA and was awarded certification in October. To maintain certification, the company will undergo surveillance audits every six months, and recertification audits every three years.

“This was a company-wide initiative that we all take pride in,” Day added. “It underscores our commitment to total quality management and environmental responsibility, and is tangible proof that Muir Omni Graphics’ products and services are high quality, that we actively monitor our processes to assure that quality remains high, and environmental impacts are properly considered.”

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